Voice Live

Voice Live

And yet again for something completely different 😉

I’d like to introduce my new toy: the VoiceLive 2 by TC HELICON. This tool is just amazing. If you start to play around with it the day is over like nothing.

Again I play the bass with my left hand, the keyboards with my right hand, which also controls the harmonics of the VoiceLive, and the drums with my feet; as usual every note you hear is live and improvised; no overdups, no rehearsals.

Here are some samples (License: Creative Commons by-nc-sa):

  1. Track 1
  2. Track 2
  3. Track 3
  4. Track 4
  5. Track 5
  6. Track 6
  7. Track 7
  8. Track 8
  9. Track 9


  1. “VoiceLive 3 is full of clever add-ons that have clearly been designed by engineers who know play live. Improvements in harmony technology and the best looping technology on offer for vocalists.”

  2. Food

    Track 8: Irgend wer hat zuviel Östrogen erhalten? Ev die Dosis erhöhen dann: Willkommen im Club:))))

  3. Track 1 und 7 sind meine Favoriten, schon unglaublich, wie Du das alles koordinierst ! Toll…

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