Live in Steinhausen am 12.12.2008

Live in Steinhausen am 12.12.2008

Beat Föllmi: Drums, Gongs, Percussion
Rochus Keller: Grand Piano, Organ, Sylophon, Vocoder, Bass Pedals

This is a live concert on December 12 2008 in Steinhausen (Zug). Because Beat and I have lots of equipment to carry, we rarely do gigs. So this recording has kind of scarcity value. As usual it was a real-time composition, i.e. we just improvised out of the moment without any arrangements in advance. The funny thing is that usually the audience doesn’t believe the music is improvised; they think everything is composed and practiced. It’s very hard to make them believe, which at the same time is a good indication that the real-time composition approach really works. Judge yourself. Here’s the music (License: Creative Commons by-nc-sa):


1 Comment

  1. Percussion Atelier

    Today 10 years ago !!!

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